
The weather was really strange yesterday.

We'd never seen fog in Cromer before, and we'd never seen quite such generous amounts of the weird sea foam that washes up onto the beach, and "flubbers" eerily in the wind. The individual dollops remind me of sheep. Sea sheep, being driven by a sheepdog tide...

Incredibly photogenic.










So that was all wonderfully interesting -- until I found a slippy bit of Overstrand prom, slipped on it, and broke a bone in my hand.

This is beyond vexing. Not only does it complicate our already problematic situation, and involve us in yet more expense, but it's also really discouraging. I've worked so hard on this osteoporosis thing -- changing my diet, taking supplements, doing rafts of exercises -- and it feels like I'm getting absolutely nowhere.

Last time (yes, this is not the first time), it was my left arm, and the accident happened in a place where health care cost less, and I lived in a warm climate, where I could just wear sandals, and had fewer layers of clothing to struggle in and out of. And, of course, we had a home we could get to, and there was no need to worry about the consequences of hanging round hospitals...

So yesterday ended pretty bleakly.

This morning, nothing had changed. But on our walk, there were birds, as there always are. And there were flowers galore. You have to take what you can get, right?





This afternoon, after I'd posted this, we finally received confirmation that we can return to Sarawak...

As has always been the case, it's not going to be logistically easy, with an awful lot of ducks that have to be lined up absolutely correctly. And my damn hand adds another duck. But at least we're now back to where we were in mid-May...