Today, we were on the move. There'll be more on that in the next post, but here I just want to document the beautiful walk that took up the middle section of the day. The weather was a little nippy, but fine and sunny, and the light was clear and bright. Perfect walking weather.
You start from the Sulby Claddaghs. And the first part of the walk is basically UP.
Up the lane, up through the Ohio Plantation, up onto the open moorland.
Of course, the views get better and better:
Eventually, you descend, via the Narradale road:
As you near the Claddaghs again, you get good views of Cronk Sumark:
You emerge at the Ginger Hall, and follow the road back to your car, taking in the anatomy of an old Manx cottage en route:
I'm boring myself with my repetitions, but I LOVE the diverse and accessible walking that's available here. It seems to me that the reward-to-effort ratio is incomparable.