Sunday 27, our last full day on the Island, was pleasantly busy. Breakfast with a friend. Dinner with rellies. And in between, packing and sorting, but in a reasonably relaxed manner.
And yesterday, Monday 28, we left. I hate leaving the Isle of Man. Always fear I won't see it again. Always feel I'm leaving a little bit of myself behind.
Some memories of our second cottage there:
And the journey:
It wasn't a bad trip really, even factoring in the congestion that always sticks itself to the edges of Manchester like toffee to a pot. We stopped to shop and have coffee. But we arrived in Winster in plenty of time to watch Pointless, so that's not bad going.
It's a cute little house, if a little bewildering:
And don't ask me to explain how the various bits of the yard and garden are divvied up between us and next door... Nigel will draw you a map.
Winster is located 215-275 metres above sea level (and, yes, that discrepancy means that there's a valley road, but any other way is UP). It was famous for lead-mining and limestone. And it was on or near various historic trade and transit routes.
It has a church, two pubs, and a village shop that's run by the community.
Dawn today saw us pacing the village, which is lovely:
That inconvenience aside, it's a very attractive and friendly little place, and I think we'll do very well here.